Camera Club brings local paradise into focus for exhibition

Killarney Camera Club is delighted to present their photographic exhibition of landscapes, seascapes, culture, heritage and wildlife of County Kerry – a photographer’s paradise.

The launch of the exhibition took place on Saturday last, August 31st atKillarney House.

Mayor of KillarneyMaura Healy-Rae officially opened the exhibition which will feature a collection of photographs from the surrounding areas showcasing the talent of club members.

Read the full story in Kerry’s Eye Digital Edition.

Kerry Way Ultra ready for the off

Since it started in 2013 with just 15 entries and three finishers, The Kerry Way Ultra has now grown to five races with almost 500 entries.

Race Director Eileen Daly is excited to announce that the Ultra returns for 2024 this September 6th to 7th.

The Kerry Way Ultratraverses the entire length of the 200km Kerry Way, a route through the Old Red Sandstone mountains of Kerry, touching Irish history, archaeology and folklore.

Read the full story in Kerry’s Eye Digital Edition.